globomax zrt


Robotic camera system

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06 1 271 0451

1155 Budapest Wysocki utca 1.

No disturbance

Streaming becomes almost unnoticeable for the user. No cables, no cameramen, no lenghty hours of assembly are required.

MikroVoks connection

Automatic positioning of the cameras on the representative who switches on his or her microphone.

Streaming through the network

Real-time live video and voice streaming over the Internet, or through the local cable TV network.

Media server

The public and interested parties can follow the decision-making process regardless of their geographical location! The recorded material is available on the media server and can be narrowed down to agenda items and comments!

Intelligent camera positions

Multiple cameras can be programmed per representative seats and mixed into a streaming at will.

Auto subtitling

Auto subtitling is also available based on information received from the MikroVoks software! Indicate the name and fraction of the representatives in the subtitles!

The MikroKam software has been awarded
the prestigous

Hungarian Quality Product Award




The HD system operates silently in the background.Cameras are controlled and moved by the MikroVoks e-corporate system.

Silent operation

HD resolution resulted in quality improvement beyond Internet streaming.

HD Quality

Four pre-programmed cameras are installed in the conference room. These cameras constantly monitor users after setup. This upgrade allows the system to provide terrestrial and cable TV streaming as well.


Should you have any specific questions on the software setup, or require further information on our products, do not hesitate to contact us!

06 30 438 1800

Head of Department, Production and Installation

Sponga Károly

06 30 232 2350

Deputy Head of IT

Szabó Zoltán

06 30 503 5106

Head of Development Department


Hangtalan működés


HD rendszer csendben és észrevétlenül végzi munkáját. A kamerák vezérléséről, mozgatásáról pedig a MikroVoks e-testületi rendszer gondoskodik.



Hangtalan működés


A HD felbontás nem csak az internetes közvetítések számára hozott minőségi javulást.


 HD Minőség 

Az ülésteremben négy, előprogramozott kamera került elhelyezésre. A rendszer beállítását követően ezek folyamatosan figyelik a felhasználókat.

Ezzel az upgrade-el a rendszer alkalmassá vált a földfelszíni, ill. kábel televíziós közvetítések számára is.